
How Your DUI Can Impact Your Car Insurance for Years
A DUI impacts your life in many ways, but there’s one you might not think of: your car insurance premium. Learn what happens to your car insurance after a DUI and what you can do about it.

Implied Consent in Oklahoma: What Does That Mean?
If you’ve been drinking and you get pulled over, you might have reason to be nervous: Under Oklahoma’s implied consent law, you could be asked to take a breathalyzer and face automatic consequences if you refuse. Learn more about implied consent.

Oklahoma’s DUI Laws (2025)
Oklahoma’s DUI laws are complex and dynamic, and occasionally change to reflect evolving laws. Get a summary of Oklahoma’s DUI laws in 2025, with a focus on license revocations.

Is a DUI a Criminal or Civil Case in Oklahoma?
You probably know some of the basics about DUIs. But if you have questions, you’re not alone. That’s why we’re covering whether a DUI is criminal or civil, what the difference is, and what you should do next.

What Is an Ignition Interlock Device? Cost, Requirements, and FAQs
While it can seem like a hassle, an ignition interlock device allows you to keep your license when you get a DUI. Learn about what an ignition interlock device is, how it works, and how it can help you get your license – and life – back.

Complete Guide to Ignition Interlock Device Installation
If you have to install an ignition interlock device (IID), it can feel like an inconvenience. But the good news is, IID installation doesn’t have to be a hassle. Learn what to expect and how to make installation go smoothly.

What Is a DUI Diversion Program? Does Oklahoma Have One?
What is a DUI diversion program? Learn about Oklahoma’s various approaches to felony and misdemeanor DUI diversion and how they could help your case.

Can You Travel Internationally After a DUI?
A DUI conviction on your record can mess with your travel plans. Find out what countries will not let you in with a DUI and what you can do about it.

First Time With a DUI in Oklahoma? Here's What to Know
Have you been arrested for a first-time DUI in Oklahoma? Learn what happens when you get a DUI for the first time, from license suspension to suspended sentences.

Oklahoma BAC Level Charts Explained
Learn everything you need to know about BAC charts in this article. Explore how it’s measured, the BAC limit in Oklahoma, and factors that affect your BAC.

Breaking Down the Cost of a DUI: Fines, Fees, and Hidden Expenses
Many factors go into the cost of a DUI, from fines and fees to required courses. Learn here how much a DUI costs in Oklahoma and how an attorney can help.

Understanding the Drug Court System in Oklahoma (2024)
Arrested for DUI-Drugs? Learn here all you need to know about the Oklahoma drug court system, from eligibility requirements to how it works and whether you can get out early.

How Do I Get My DUI Blood Test Results In Oklahoma?
It can take months to get DUI blood test results in Oklahoma. Find out right here how to get your DUI blood test results.

Is Driving While Impaired a Felony?
DUI vs DWI: When Does Impaired Driving Become a Felony? Oklahoma-specific laws, BAC limits, and factors that elevate charges from misdemeanors to felonies.

Can You Drive For Uber or Lyft With A DUI? (2024)
If you have a DUI conviction, you may be disqualified from becoming a rideshare driver. Learn here whether you can drive for Uber or Lyft with a DUI.

What Happens If You Get an Interlock Violation? (2024)
What happens if you get an interlock violation in Oklahoma, and how long could you end up with an ignition interlock device? Learn everything you need to know here.

Can a Passenger Get a DUI In Oklahoma?
Worried about getting a DUI as a passenger in Oklahoma? Learn here what you can do from the passenger seat and all of your legal options.

14 Holiday Drunk Driving Statistics (2024)
During the holidays, drunk driving incidents tend to unfortunately be more prevalent. Learn all you need to know here about the holiday drunk driving statistics this year.

Which Is Worse in Oklahoma, a DUI or a DWI?
Unsure of whether a DUI or a DWI is worse? We can help you sort out the legal terms and learn why a DUI is worse in Oklahoma. Read everything you need to know from the experts here.

What Are the Different Types of DUIs in Oklahoma?
DUIs can fall under many different categories. Learn about the different types of DUIs in Oklahoma, what penalties you can expect, and how an attorney can help.

Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus: The DUI Test You Haven't Heard Of
If you're pulled over for a suspected DUI, your eyes movements may tip off police that you're under the influence. Learn more about the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus DUI test, and what you need to know to pass it.

How Can I Pass a Standard Field Sobriety Test?
If you're suspected of driving under the influence, you may have to take a field sobriety test. Learn the three types of tests, and how to achieve the best performance on them.

DUI Statute of Limitations: Can You Be Charged Days Later?
You may be charged much later than you expected on your DUI case. Learn more here about the statute of limitations for a DUI in Oklahoma.

Should I Use a Public Defender for My DUI Case?
If you've gotten a DUI charge, you may be looking at options for hiring a public defender vs a private attorney. Are public defenders good for DUI cases? Learn what you need to know here.

What Happens If You Get A DUI And You Damage Property?
What happens if you drive under the influence and accidentally damage property? You may be looking at a charge for DUI with property damage. Learn what leads to this charge and how to handle it.

In 2024, What Happens After a DUI?
If you've gotten a DUI, you may be wondering what your next steps are. What happens after a DUI? Learn about your potential charges, legal options, and more.

How Can I Get My Oklahoma DUI Dismissed?
If you've gotten a DUI, you may be looking for options to get your charges cleared and life back to normal. Learn how to get a DUI dismissed and your other legal options.

Oklahoma Board of Tests: What It Is and Why It Matters
If you're suspected of driving under the influence, you will most likely be asked to perform a test to prove your sobriety. These tests are processed by the Oklahoma Board of Tests. Learn more about the Oklahoma Board of Tests and the processes they handle.

What Evidence Is Needed For An Oklahoma DUI Conviction?
What evidence is needed for a DUI conviction? How does the state prove its case? Learn about the evidence the state may have against you and how to fight it.

Can You Get A DUI on an Electric Scooter?
Wondering if you can get a DUI on an electric scooter? Learn about Oklahoma law and how it applies to Lime and Bird scooters here.

Can You Get a DUI on a Boat in Oklahoma?
Wondering if you can drink while cruising on Oklahoma’s lakes? Learn whether you can get a DUI on a boat, what the punishment is, and what you can do about it.

Will My Prescription Drug Lead to a DUI?
Can you get a DUI for being under the influence of prescription drugs while driving? Learn everything you need to know here.

Will A DUI Ruin My Life?
To help you understand how a DUI may affect your life, here are legal answers to the most common questions people have after getting a DUI.

What Is a Victim Impact Panel?
Get all the answers on “What is a victim impact panel?” and find out when you’ll need to attend, what to expect, and how a Tulsa DUI lawyer can help.

A Guide to Tulsa County Courthouse
What you need to know to navigate the Tulsa County Courthouse successfully and prevent you from missing a court date or receiving a bench warrant.

Are DUIs Public Record?
While all criminal cases are technically public, some states have a database that makes them far easier to find than in other states.

In Oklahoma, How Bad Is A DUI On Your Record?
A DUI is one mistake that can stay with you for years. Learn how bad a DUI is on your record in Oklahoma and how an experienced lawyer can help.

Getting a DUI in Oklahoma When You Aren't Driving a Car
Riding a scooter, e-bike, or other non-car vehicle can result in a DUI in Oklahoma. Keep yourself informed on these laws to prevent an accidental DUI.

Is It Possible to Hide a DUI From Employers?
Your professional life could be severely impacted after you’ve been arrested for a DUI. Can you hide your DUI from your employer?

DUI vs DWI: What’s The Difference?
Drive Under the Influence (DUI) or Driving While Impaired (DWI), what is the difference between these two distinctly different charges?

Oklahoma’s 5 Most Important DUI Cases
Case law has added a lot to our understanding of the DUI statutes. Here, we have summarized the most important DUI cases in Oklahoma.

Tulsa’s Youthful Drunk Driving Program
Tulsa County’s alternative program helps educate young offenders on the consequences of drunk driving, while setting them up for success in the future.

Is My Oklahoma Driver’s License Suspended?
The Department of Public Safety can suspend or even revoke your license after a DUI. Here's how revocations work.

DUI In Wagoner County
Here is what to expect if you have been charged with a DUI in Wagoner County.

DUI In Okmulgee County
Being charged with a DUI in Okmulgee County isn’t as straightforward as it might seem, but we have you covered.

DUI In Tulsa County
We've handled thousands of Tulsa DUI cases—here’s everything you need to know, based on our years of experience handling this charge.

When Will You Go to Jail for a DUI?
No one wants to go to jail. In this article, we discuss all the different ways a DUI could result in jail time.

Can a DUI Get Dismissed?
Being charged with a DUI is not the same as a conviction. Can a DUI get dismissed? While it is uncommon, here are some examples of when it can happen.

What Is A Suspended Sentence?
A suspended sentence is different than a deferred sentence. Here is a breakdown of what it is and how it could impact your plea.

What Is A Deferred Sentence?
As one of two probation types offered in exchange for a plea of guilty, here's what a deferred sentence is and what it means for you.

Tribal DUIs V. State DUIs: DUIs In The Cherokee Nation
With the recent McGirt ruling, your case could be transferred to a Cherokee Nation Court. Here's how that could happen and what it means for you.

DUI In Rogers County
A complete guide to DUI charges in the Rogers County area, including what your options are and what your probation will potentially look like.

What Justifies a Traffic Stop?
Were you pulled over for no reason? If so, the odds are tipped in your favor. Read what a stop without probable cause means for your case.

How Does a Blood Draw Work for a DUI?
If you’re arrested for DUI, you could be given a blood test instead of a breathalyzer. Learn about how a blood draw works and how it’s different from a breathalyzer.

Misdemeanor Into A Felony: A DUI With A Child In The Car
A child's presence can quickly turn a misdemeanor DUI into a felony child endangerment. Get informed.

DUI Under 21: The Statute Most Prosecutors Ignore
In Oklahoma, if you get a DUI under the age of 21, you can be charged with either “DUI under 21” or a regular DUI depending on a number of factors.

Multiple DUI’s In Oklahoma
The punishment for your first DUI is less severe than any subsequent ones. We break down the best course of action to help you in the long run.

Public Intoxication In Oklahoma: Everything You Need to Know
Public intoxication encompasses far more than just being drunk in public. Know the law so you don’t end up spending the night in jail.

What Classes Do You Take When You Get a DUI?
How many DUI classes do you have to take in Oklahoma? And what are they like? Here’s what you can expect if you’re wondering what classes you take when you get a DUI.

A DUI Without Driving: What is Actual Physical Control?
Did you know that you can get a DUI even if you aren’t driving? Actual physical control of a vehicle while intoxicated is a non-driving DUI.

DUI Checkpoint Alert In Tulsa County: Here’s What To Know
Before you find yourself at a DUI checkpoint, you need to know your rights and how to navigate certain questions you may be asked.

Is a DUI a Felony in Oklahoma?
Is a DUI a felony in Oklahoma? The answer depends on the facts of your case. Learn more about what makes a DUI a felony and what you can do about it.

Impaired Or Not, Medical Marijuana Patients Risk DUIs Every Day
If you've legally consumed medical marijuana within the last month, then you've broken the law each time you drive.

Open Container Laws in Oklahoma
To-go alcoholic beverage laws have changed in Oklahoma, causing people to ask: does this violate open container laws?

Do Ridesharing Apps Decrease Drunk Driving? It's Complicated
Ride-hailing services have claimed that they reduce DUIs by providing an easy alternative for would-be drunk drivers. But do the stats support the claim?

What Causes The Most Accidents? Drowsy, Drugged, Or Drunk?
Car accidents and fatalities are on the rise despite rising vehicle safety standards. The cause? It's changed over the years.

Oklahoma's Impaired Driver Accountability Program (IDAP) Guide
Take a deeper look into the Oklahoma Impaired Driver Accountability Program (IDAP); what it means, how to use it, and if you're eligible.

Avoid These Common Drugs Or Risk An Oklahoma DUI
A surprisingly long list of common drugs we take everyday can lead to a DUI charge. Find out which ones to be cautious of in this guide.

Is It Bad Advice To Refuse A Breathalyzer?
To blow or not to blow, that is the question; at least for DUI lawyers. If an officer without a warrant asks your to consent to a breathalyzer, should you?

Covid Is Disrupting DUI Enforcement In Oklahoma
The ongoing COVID-19 virus outbreak has deeply disrupted every aspect of public life with seemingly no end in sight. DUI Enforcement is no exception.

If I Have A DUI, Can I Still Get A Commercial Driver's License?
A commercial driver’s license can open up a whole new world of opportunities. But what if you have also been arrested on a DUI charge in Oklahoma?

What Happens If You Have A CDL And Get A DUI?
Unfortunately, the consequences for a DUI are worse if you hold a commercial driver's license. But with the right lawyer, you'll not be blindsided by the outcome.

Your smartphone knows if you’re drunk
In the short time that smartphone technology has existed, it has become deeply ingrained in every aspect of our daily lives. Our biology is no exception.

Scientists looked at 15 years worth of drunk driving data. Here are six surprises.
Experts from five universities across the United States have completed an exhaustive look at drunk driving trends. Here are some head-turning statistics from their analysis.

The Strange History Of The Breathalyzer
An in-depth look into the strange history of the drunk-o-meter, or what has now become known as the breathalyzer.

DUI Arrests Soar During Labor Day: Here’s What You Need To Know
An increase in DUI sobriety checkpoints await drivers nationwide as they head into the Labor Day holiday period.

Is The Breathalyzer Really As Accurate As We Think?
Police rely on Breathalyzer test results as a resolute scientific evidence of guilt. The truth, however, is that the tests produce skewed results with alarming frequency.

In The Era Of Legal Marijuana; Does The 'Smell' Test Still Stink?
Police have been using the smell of marijuana as justification to conduct warrantless searches for decades.

How To Use Oklahoma’s Impaired Driver Accountability Program (IDAP)
Know your options after a DUI. Take advantage of Oklahoma's Impaired Drive Accountability Program (IDAP).

Roadside Breathalyzers For Marijuana Could Be Coming
Oklahoma has passed a new bill that introduces the police to technology that can detect drivers who are under the influence of marijuana.

Researchers Find Shocking DUI Trends In States With Medical Pot
Many cities in the past decade have passed laws around medical marijuana. How does this change in legislative affect DUI trends?

Oklahoma's DUI Laws Leave No Room For Medical Marijuana
The state of Oklahoma recently legalized the use of medical marijuana, but not all aspects of the law have caught up with the change.

What Is A DUI Checkpoint?
A DUI checkpoint is a roadblock set up by police to check drivers for signs of intoxication. These checkpoints may also be called sobriety checkpoints, DUI roadblocks, mobile checkpoints, or something similar.

Another Victory From the Appellate Courts
On October 11, 2019, the Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals reversed a Tulsa County judge and found in favor of our client. In February 2018, M. Cole (“Licensee”) was arrested for suspicion of DUI and his license was taken by the arresting officer.

What Is An Aggravated DUI In Oklahoma?
An aggravated DUI can have you faced with severe consequences, but it doesn't have to be the end of your life.

Oklahoma’s Incarceration Rate Is The Highest In The World
When I worked as a prosecutor, my approach for non-violent defendants was rehabilitation, not incarceration.